PJM News & Blog

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Better safe than sorry: AED Training at PJM

PJM thrives because of the dedication of our employees, who ensure smooth operations daily. With approximately 130+ staff members at our Faarevejle location, we recognize our responsibility towards their health and safety. Hence, we organized CPR/AED training sessions for all employees to familiarize them and build confidence in using an AED (automated external defibrillator).

Artificial Intelligence: The talk of the town

In 2024, it’s almost impossible for companies not to consider integrating Artificial Intelligence...

PJM is looking into carbon-neutral production by 2025

We remain steadfast in our commitment to advancing sustainability initiatives across our production...

Unveiling of new art at PJM

Visiting our headquarters in Faarevejle promises a visual treat at every turn. Over the years,...

PJM throws opening party for factory expansion

On the 3rd of November, we welcomed 100 of our closest business associates along with our 150...

A partnership made to last

When entering the factory facility at Danfoss, Silkeborg, production is buzzing all around....

PJM adopts a school class

The 8th graders at Faarevejle Primary School got a unique insight into the business community of...